Purito-E : F5L : 12th January 2025 : 150 seconds - 2m 30secs
Harden Moor - Time 12:15 to 14:15 - W wind 2mph. Missed the best of the sun then it clouded over. Snow covering the moor.
There was on occasions thermal type air that just maintained height. I did catch a couple of thermals that did lift the model albeit only for a few seconds.
Not my usual height achieved at launch. In my haste at the start, with steamed up glasses (I wear tinted ski goggles that can induce my glasses to steam up sometimes), I plugged in the lipo. I use XT30 connectors. I tried to press them together but I had them the wrong way round. Oh I smell electronic burning. The contacts must have touched. I did press, obviously a bit too much. I was in a rush. I plugged it in the right way round. Everything works, good. Started the motor....... oh that's not good. Lacking in power and making a different sound when it ran. It looks like one of the three output channels on the ESC is blown. The ESC was working with two output channels so I continued (I hadn't trekked through the snow for nowt). The outcome was though, very labored height gain.
I know your not meant to be able to get the XT30s the wrong way round and in normal circumstances you can't, but back at home I tested on a blind lead and with a determined push and a wiggle (I was in a rush at the field with steamed up glasses) they did mate the wrong way round. I use GNB lipos (female XT30) and shop bought male XT30. I have learnt a lesson as I need a new ESC.
regards, Richard