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  1. Yesterday
  2. Dave Elam

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Blimey. I bet that wasn't very pretty! I presume it was a pretty heavy landing though?
  3. Al Lipscombe

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Hi, I had a circle dancer, looked good and it flew well, However it all fell apart on a heavy landing. The open structure flexed forward. It was repairable, but a lot of work. The fus has been re used with a set of Graphite D box wings. Cheers Al
  4. mikef

    GBR flyers in California.

    Windy day - Phil B and Mark B both dropped in F1B, Ken F dropped but still flying in C - Alan J damaged two and dropped in C. Only six rounds flown as retrieving is hard. Sunny, cool and breezy. Bit miserable really. Now waiting decision on Fly-offs.
  5. mikef

    GBR flyers in California.

    No Peter M at the moment.
  6. Mr_SMO

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Just checked the blogs on Hyperflight, and even at the heavy end, wing loading is about 22 g /dm2, which looks pretty respectable to me. Might need some ballast if it's blowing a bit. My Arthobby Avatar is 29g/dm2. I think the CD would be a great way to start F5J. Good flight reports too. Hope to see you at Fish Meadows. (Then you won't come last.)
  7. Well done for persevering Carl. Updated table:
  8. Cheers Mike, yes I have just flipped the output (ch7) which works fine. Still would prefer to have all my models the same when it comes to the motor. tried looking up the instructions to find a ‘reset to factory’ but can’t find any reference to that in the on-line instructions. It would probably help if I can get a programmer which apparently has more options available compared to using the TX. Anyone got one going begging?
  9. Ian Purcell

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Dave, if you fancy a Circle Dancer then go for it! I started F5j, flying with a 4mtr Pulsar which is a similar aircraft and it was not uncompetitive with the composite guys at all. I also even used an AVA as a backup! Hopefully you have the magic feel on the sticks for thermals. You need to fly, fly and fly getting to know the C.D. inside out And as Simon says enter a comp and enjoy yourself. If you get one and are unsure of the power train ESC and other bits just ask on the site. Best of luck Ian P
  10. PaSky

    Wales 2024-25 Winter League

    Hi Les. I will be there. If we can travel again together.
  11. PeterT

    GBR flyers in California.

    My apologies, it was Peter Martin in the North American Cup and I assumed that it was also at Lost Hills. Is he one of the Brits over there? Peter
  12. Magic 2 SL : F5L : 08/02/2025 : 6 mins 12 secs Calm, dark, grey and freezing today. I was losing feeling in my fingers after just 15 minutes. But persevered as there seem to be quite few narrow thermals around. Eventually I managed to beat my previous time - not by much though. Had some amazing flights with my Falcon F5k too. Carl
  13. Dave Elam

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Correct Answer!!!!
  14. Mr_SMO

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Yes, I can speak with some certainty that you won't have to come last. If I don't always come last with Arthobby, I'm sure you'll manage better with a CD. Besides, IMHO, so long as you enjoy yourself, you're a winner.
  15. Graham Lorimer

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Sorry, spelling mistake Should be Hawke NG Spark Check it out here https://classifieds.bmfa.org/acadp_listings/hawk-ng-spark-2 Graham,
  16. Matthew

    Eli Glider washout

    Hiya All, I'm building my first RES glider (Eli) and am a little confused about the instruction: https://www.hyperflight.co.uk/getfile.asp?code=ELI&code2=1 The instructions call for negative 1-2mm on tip-1 and negative 2-3mm on tip-2. On the plan it shows where this is: Are the instructions basically asking for the covering to lift (pull) up the trailing edge of the wing by the specified amounts so adding washout? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick? I'm going to cover with Oralight, I haven't built the tips yet, just the fuselage and one centre panel so far.
  17. Les

    Wales 2024-25 Winter League

    Next Welsh Winter League round is on the 15th February. Please weather God's be on are side for once. If you intend joining please pop your name down. Weather call on the Friday evening Cheers Andy and Les
  18. MikeE

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Like you Dave, my availability for F5j comps is limited, but I like being able to fly a model I know is competitive, and my sports flying can be viewed in my head at least, against a set of parameters.
  19. andyharrold

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Hawk Ng
  20. wookman

    Midland 2024-25 Winter League

    Very picturesque!
  21. Dave Elam

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Thanks for the replies. More welcome! My club field will be fine for flying such a model and a few club colleagues have 4m Avas that they successfully fly there. I must stress that I 'may' delve into competing in F5J and if that did happen it would only be an occasional foray as I have many other flying disciplines that I enjoy. I do understand the argument for a good used moulded F5J model but I also like the idea of having something new and with my personal set up as opposed to a used model that invariably will have had some mishaps with the inevitable visual repairs. So, for those occasions that I may compete I'd still be curious to know if a Circle Dancer would give me a good chance of at least not coming last!
  22. Dave Elam

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Thanks for that Graham. I've just done a Google search and can't find any results for a Hamke. Is that the correct spelling?
  23. Graham Lorimer

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Hi Dave, One of the club members at Malvern club has a very nice F5J Hawke NG Spark for sale and it is fully fitted out, just needing a receiver and battery. I think he wants £1,000 for it, great value and perfect for sport flying or dipping your toes into competitions. Let me know if interested, I can put you in touch with him Graham
  24. Andy_B

    Midland 2024-25 Winter League

    The Mynd this morning Andy
  25. MikeE

    Circle Dancer 3600

    Hi Dave, I recently got hold of a used Pike Prestige. The fist problem I had was finding a suitable flying site. Luckily Malvern Club and Fish Meadow came to my rescue. Great big flat field with no close by disrupters to the air, and a great group of regular F5j models being flown. My more local option, although a great field for sports models would not have been very practical. It would have meant competing for airspace with fast flying sports models, tree line and a landing strip regime. I understand your view on the looks of open structure, but having a model that you know is competitive is imo worth that loss. Hopefully your field is a good option for you. If you want to at least compare your flying against others that fly F5j, buy a pre loved mouldie.
  26. Mr_SMO

    Circle Dancer 3600

    You don't say what skill level you are. If you are up with the best, then I concur with the above. If on the other hand you are starting out, or not yet an expert, then I see no reason why the CD shouldn't give you loads of fun at a saving to a new mouldie. I've had loads of enjoyment from my Arthobbies, and don't feel that any extra expenditure would provide extra rewards. But that's just my (lack of) skill level. I feel the same way about my radio gear too. (DX6) Come and join us, hope to see you this year.
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