Bartletts League 9th Sept 2012
By EssexBOF, in Contest Reports,
Arriving at the field, there was a thick mist over the site so as to see where the control would be for anybody turning up meant I had to stay at the entrance to pass it on to the next arrival, then they could inform the next person and so on. By 10am start, this had cleared to reveal a perfect day with a slight breeze from the South, which then followed the forecast by increasing to approx 15 mph by 2.30pm. This was to lead to some scores suffering as a result and a struggle for some models to get back when venturing to far downwind. Rod Potts was to fare worse in this by losing his Electra V, which has not been found as of the present time.
Peter Mitchell was again to suffer a malfunction on his Explorer, when the bell crank pivot failed, causing the model to dive into the ground whilst on launch. A new face to Bartletts Comp was Colin Boorman, although Colin is a regular on the F3j circuit. He was doing well until old habits die hard, by dorking his Shadow in for the landing, dislodged the motor plate. Jill Adams was also a new face, although she had flown in the Tonbridge event at the beginning of August. Think she will get better with the right model.
Paul Wainwright has invested some money in an ex Ray Elwell Sprite, so expect we will see him going for the 2 metre class now. My unfashionable Watts Up 2 metre, can still keep up there with them all in the right conditions. I elected not to fly in the last round as I could not bother changing the wings over to the windy set, as the wind was quite strong by then.
I did say that we may try to run the last event on the 23rd September, as the reserve date in October does not leave us any options if for any reason that date is ruled out due to weather. We will see from the end of this week what the forecast is for the 23rd.
Ordered Results, least score dropped
1000 4996.6 K. Fisher (Open) Shadow
999 4993.7 A. Twine (Open) Stork4
984 4919.3 B. Austin (Open) Electra
981 4906.4 G. Mathews (Open) Shadow
970 4851.2 B. Austin (2mtr) Watts Up
958 4768.4 P. Wainwright (Open) Bitsa’s
947 4731.2 P. Wainwright (2mtr) Bitsa & Sprite
912 4558.6 R. Gadenne (Open) Shadow
890 4447.0 D. Godbold (Open) Bitsa
856 4275.3 R. Mexome (Open) Cadenza
827 4131.5 J. Ott (100S) Organic
788 3935.1 D. Collings (Open) Stork 4
750 3748.6 J. Burns (Open) Stork X Tail
732 3655.3 G. Read (Open) Ava & Mistral
722 3605.5 R. Potts (Open) Stork4 & Electra
702 3509.2 T. Merritt (2mtr) ?
675 3370.6 R. Sleight (100S) Pelican Pike
614 3067.3 P. Mitchell (Open) Explorer
602 3007.6 P. Cavender (100S) ?
601 3005.0 J. Burns (2mtr) Magic
568 2839.3 R. Taylor (2mtr) Easy Glider
559 2794.0 J. Adams (2mtr) ?
533 2661.5 C. Boorman (Open) Shadow
532 2659.6 M. Cordwell (100S) ?
479 2392.4 P. Mitchell (2mtr) Omega
354 1770.2 M. Connell (100S) ?