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  • The forecast in the week was pretty vague but checked out several sites & the Sunday looked as though it would be OK. This indeed was the case, with conditions that would be hard to better in the summer. Bartletts itself may have been a problem as the entrance to the field has been extremely boggy with some members having to be pulled out, and not so long ago at that.
    We had 21 entries of which 3 did not show for whatever reason, but Randy Taylor turned up and took one of the spares, so we had 19 fly on the day. Trouble is that not having children, my notion of when Mothers Day is, does not enter into the equation when planning events

    The only change to the rules for this year was to bring them into line with BARCS rules in regards to the landing. Now if you overfly the 10 minutes you lose any landing points you may have obtained, but retain your flight score up to the 10 minutes.
    The conditions in the morning were absolutely idillic with little wind and warm sunshine, so much so that the early morning dew soon dissipated.
    There was only one major disaster when Peter Mitchell's AVA plunged into the ground from a great height due to a dry joint on one of the connectors to the battery
    Seven rounds were flown with 3 slots per round which made it pretty hectic if you were flying twice with two entry's.

    Peter Hindle has now refined the scoring system and the slot timing, having said that we had a glitch on the slot timer for the first slot as he still had the lap top on mute sound!
    I know I have said this before, but I could not run this event now without Peter's help, he is invaluable to the whole thing. But we have got him to take part yesterday, which he enjoyed.

    Results are shown below, if anybody wishes to have the full set of results e mail me & I will send them on to you. Pictures to follow when we have some that Peter took, but I believe Jason is going to post some.

    5760.8  B. Austin (Open)
    5695.3  P. Sainsbury (Open)
    5684.6  A. Twine (Open)
    5551.7  R. Potts (Open)
    5479.1  P. MItchell (2mtr)
    5390.6  D. Collings (Open)
    5238.1  J. Burns (Open)
    5074.8  B. Austin (2mtr)
    5027.3  P. MItchell (Open)
    4985.9  R. Mexome (Open)
    4822.5  R. Sleight (2mtr)
    4764.9  D. Godbold (2mtr)
    4731.2  R. Gadenne (Open)
    4521.4  J. Ott (100S)
    3951.9  P. Hindle (Open)
    3422.9  R. Taylor (Foam)
    3137.4  R. Gadenne (Foam)
    1269.6  M. Cordwell (Open)
    996.9  R. Sleight (Open)
    0.0  S. Smith (Open)
    0.0  R Elwell (Open)

    Edited by Austin

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