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Keil Kraft "Conquest" - retro !

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Going retro - building a Keil Kraft Conquest - was the first plane I built by myself as a 10 year old back in 1966.

Hands up all those who also built one as a lad !

Its an original kit - sometime 1970s - price tag is £1.99 & the plan shows inches and metric.

Modelling pins & a building board - not done this for a very long time.

Not intending to fit RC gear - only mod is I trimmed a couple of inches off the huge tail.



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Gosh! Brings a nostalgic tear to my eye!

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Maria Freeman

Brings back memories of cutting out loads of ribs from die-printed balsa , and getting balsa glue on my mums dining room table !

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I built one back in the early 70s. Still got the plan somewhere. 

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I have a 1966 diary saying that I flew mine 58 years ago this month on Mitcham Common……  Plan only has imperial wood dimensions and the box (now gone) was the previous ‘edition’. Looking at other diary entries makes me think I must have built my Conquest in ‘64.


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Ha! Around '65 for mine on my lap in bed when I was ill. Probably flew it on Streatham common but was soon flying on Mitcham common with control line. 

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I don’t remember what Keil Kraft model it was that I was given when I was 11. It was a glider, but I don’t remember it flying very well. That had to wait for another three years, when I built a Golden Wings from Aeromodeller plans. You guys all seem too young to remember Vic Smeed’s excellent design.

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John Minchell

That looks like the KK Dolphin could have been cribbed from it and the fuz made a bit more banana shaped.

The Dolphin was the first model I got to fly properly about 1966/7 after failing badly with the KK scale Spitfire and Stuka.

John M


Streatham Common for F/F and Mitcham Common for Control Line, those were the days !!


Mine was very heavy, having been covered in dope and paint.

It took loads of old bolts from my dad's tool store to get it to Balance.

My brother and I hand towed it at the local common. A couple of circles before landing at best. 

A guy turned up for a day out in his brand new Hillman Avenger. Standing around admiring and polishing it, when my Conquest was making a b- line for it.

Fortunately it landed just short, we apologised and moved further away.

Next tow it managed 3 circles 🙂 and was again heading for the shiny Avenger.

The guy jumped out and tried to stop the Conquest before it hit his car. It would have just cleared his roof.  Hitting his hand but with so much momentum he couldn't stop it and it spun around right onto his roof.


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I’m actually not so old as to have entered the Golden Wings comp, but mine did fly well over four or five sessions at the Combined Forces Playing Field in Aldershot. On its last flight, it did so well that it circled over the chestnut trees that still line the road. On the other side of the road is the GOC’s house and garden, which has taller trees in it. 
Retrieval attempts were stymied by the armed squaddie at the gate.

I wonder how it would do with radio gear installed?

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Onwards - fuselage - more pins...

Love the stories & ancient history



Alex Maxfield

I recently built a "Sans Egal" A2 free flight glider converted to electric/RC. Really enjoyed building it.


  • Like 1
22 minutes ago, Alex Maxfield said:

Really enjoyed building it.

…….and flying? It looks lovely. Pity about the power, though.

Alex Maxfield
1 hour ago, oipigface said:

…….and flying? It looks lovely. Pity about the power, though.

it flies as it looks, slow and graceful.

The prop doesn't turn for long and it is a much easier way of launching.


even more pins - curvy bits


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Coming together - looking good

Sanding & shaping to do e.g. LEs


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On 03/03/2024 at 09:49, John Minchell said:

That looks like the KK Dolphin could have been cribbed from it and the fuz made a bit more banana shaped.

The Dolphin was the first model I got to fly properly about 1966/7 after failing badly with the KK scale Spitfire and Stuka.

John M

The KK Dolphin, was well before the Conquest, Having built 2 in 1955. From memory, the Dolphin was an Albert Hatfull design. The Conquest bares strong lineage to the Caprice, which has always had a strong following. There is a video, of an RC caprice being slope soared, in very gentle winds. 

Nevill  Willis as a member of the Anglia MFC when I joined it in 1967, as were quite a few famous FF flyers, at that time, on the old WW1 aerodrome of Stow Maries, which you can visit for some real nostalgia.

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