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Hot off the press


Our hosts NKN have a large gas BBQ and a 2 ring gas cooker with kettle for making a brew if any one wants to use themselves and bring there own they are welcome, or if enough interest they could take orders in the morning and pop along the local Asda and get what  flyers want and then cook it for them!

Please let me know of your interest in this?

ALSO the adjacent Gun Club serves food including full English breakfast and has toilet facilities.

Drive slowly to avoid POTHOLES on Joyce Green Lane

The event is a ‘Bartletts League’ qualifier and will be run at North Kent Nomads (NKN) field (nearest post code DA1 5PN) as detailed on the attached location map.

The usual 3 classes of model can be flown, Open, 2Mtr and 100” (up to 2.6mtr allowed), and each can score points in their own Bartletts league. Please note that models must comply with BARCS class restrictions if you wish to also score in the appropriate BARCS Leagues.

2 entries allowed per pilot, but each entry must be with different class models.

AMRT (Height limiter) CAN be set to any height up to 300mtrs, but MUST be set with a maximum motor run time of 30sec.

Scoring as per F5J, i.e. a penalty of 3 points per metre for launching over 200mtrs, BUT no bonus for launching below 200mtrs.

And don’t forget, not only can you re start your motor in an emergency (which cancels that flight score) but you get one re launch in a slot if you find it necessary

 Entry £5.00 payable on the day.

CD is Ian Nicholls (07760750298) and hosted by NKM Secretary Peter Bennett

Please book in from 0900, pilots briefing will be at 0945 and start at 1000 to allow 6 rounds to be flown

Please register your entry in this thread by 1800 on Friday 18th, all will be assumed to be on 2.4 unless advised

Nick Jackson
Eddy Small
Tony Wood
Ian Nicholls
Michael Connell
Keith Fisher
Bob Hope
David Yale
Alan Twine
Derek Collings
Keith Benton
John Postle
Brian Martin

Alan Harris

Brian Austin

John Hovell

Peter Ley

Garry Matthews

Ray Gadenne

Pete Mitchell


NKN Nearest Postcode DA1 5PN b.jpg


enter myself and Derek Collings for open please



Open please Ian




Please add me to open

BMFA   40572

BARCS   3841

Thanks john h


And me too please.


Peter Ley

Garry Matthews

Hi Ian,

can you add me to the list please. Open on 2.4Mhz


Hi Ian,

And me too please, Open on 2.4 


  • Committee Member

Add me to the list please Ian

Open on 2.4

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Well done everyone.  Sorry I missed this one, looks like it was a good day.




Congratulations to Brian for yet again showing us all how it's done! 

Thanks to North Kent Nomads and their Secretary Peter Bennett for the use of their field and facilities, this extended to the adjacent gun club who provide snacks, meals and toilet.

Thanks to everyone who turned up to experience:

The CD taking 40 minutes to find the site after Miss Garmin and he failed, surprised to find that NKN where flying power models up to 0930, (and where to fly again at 1630) the car park filled to bursting point, a mown path just short of a cars width between two foot high grass (that had apparently grown 18 inches in the last fortnight), a very large mown strip that for the East wind conditions was not in the correct direction, the field perimeters denoted only by the 3- 4 foot high reeds that also indicated dykes, repositioning of the control tent and glider park, and a gun club that had a competition on requiring a large no or no low flying area. 

On the positive side we did have a 5 round competition once these challenges had been either overcome or accepted and we probably don't have to fly there again.

The wind was mainly light and although misty before the start of the competition the sun broke though with some small thermals not found by everyone, and later some wave lift where if you found it at launch height you could hold on until the end of the group/slot without too much technique. 9 of the 20 slots were not flown out (anywhere near 10 mines). There was only 1 out of field landing and a one sensible motor restart to avoid landing in the jungle, dykes, or unknown! We managed a 25 minute lunch break. Whilst not a perfect day I did enjoy being the CD and of course my 2nd place result.

This was held simultaneously with a Kent Interclub event so the landing results show all competitors

Other comments;

The sound of the adjacent gun club was at times disturbing (as apparently where our gliders were affecting their concentration on shooting skeets) and need to keep away from them was made more difficult by different of judgement of glider height between them and us. David Yale of NKN and I met with them afterwards and all was well, the manager Kelly being more concerned that the competitors in an event they were holding didn’t resort to shooting anyone down!



Landing Results.jpg

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  • Committee Member
Nick Jackson

Well done to Brian (flying) and Ian (flying and CD-ing in difficult conditions).  Enjoyed it - especially the landings.

And now the apology from me to RC-Electronics and to Bernie Jones, for spreading unnecessary alarm and despond about their RC Multi 3 AMRT, which is becoming customary. As last week I whinged about what I thought was a problem with the AMRT but wasn't - nothing in fact to suggest anything wrong with these height limiters and I've just ordered an additional one.


Only in case the gory details are of any interest / help to anyone: Last week it was my failure to push  connections home fully which caused the problem I wrongly ascribed to the AMRT (duh!) This week a bit more subtle and less stupid: Bernie says diode in the AMRT drops the voltage to the rx about 0.5V when the AMRT is in circuit. With the fairly low-voltage setup in my Stork 6 (uses S3150 servos rated only at a nominal 4.8V) this was sufficient to trigger alarms left at the Jeti default of 4.5V but avoid the alarm when the AMRT was taken out of the circuit.  Now cured acting on Bernie's advice (anticipated on the field by Pete Mitchell) to drop the alarm threshold to 3.7V.  Just why the alarm should not have been triggered from the get-go I don't know but will keep an eye on the rx voltage - and indeed might tweak it up a bit (adjustable on my CC ESC) to get nearer to 5.0V rather than the 4.26V currently going to the receiver with the AMRT in circuit.  

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