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Southern Winter League 2019/ 20

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 Southern Winter lg 2019/20.

The Southern Winter league 2019/20 comps will be staged at the venues of  Whitesheet, (NNW- SSW)   Butser hill  (NE) & Eastbourne ( All other directions)   Each competition venue being dependant upon the forecast wind direction.

The 'venue' announcement for each comp will be posted at the earliest opportunity prior to each comp following study of the various wind direction forecasts.

The 'Weather call' will be posted at around 8.00pm on the Friday evening prior to each comp. If necessary due to an unclear forecast this will be delayed until noon on the Saturday. 


Competition dates, each date being 4th Sunday of the month ;- 

Sunday October 27th

Sunday November 24th 

Sunday December 22nd 

Sunday January 26th

Sunday February 23rd

Sunday March 22 nd.

 Note;- With 6 comps being scheduled there are no reserve dates.


Entries to be sent to ;-


BMFA insurance details.


Please note ,
Whitesheet slope closure information.

To enable the safe & successful staging of F3f competitions at Whitesheet, the Whitesheet slopes will be closed to all flying other than for that of the competition while F3f competitions are in progress.

Competitions run from 9.00am- 5.00pm (approx finish time).

The Whitesheet Committee thank you very much for your understanding & co-operation regarding this.

  Stu, Whitesheet Comp Sec. 

  • Like 2

Apologies Wookman & All, I had planned to open entry ystdy, however 36 hrs being bedridden in chronic pain had other ideas 

Entry details coming up by 12.00 noon today .





Southern Winter league rd 1 Sund Oct 27th

Entry to this competition is now OPEN.

Venues being used ;-  Whitesheet,  (NNW- SSW)  Eastbourne ( All other directions)

'Actual Venue Advisory & confirmation' ;-  During the course of next week I will be closely following the various forecasts. I will post a 'venue advisory' on Thursd 24 th at around 9.00pm.

I will post  'venue confirmation' on Friday 25 th

The 'Weather call' will be posted at around 8.00pm on the Friday 25th.

The Winter league comps are the perfect introduction to this exciting branch of our sport, newcomers are guaranteed are very warm welcome. Hints & tips on all things F3f ie,  model set up, flying the course, turn styles,  ballast decisions, etc etc are always freely given.

Most sports models are perfectly suitable to use, you don't need an expensive F3f machine. 

It is through the winter league comps that very many F3f pilots like myself started.  I look forward to welcoming you to your first comp.


Entries to be sent to ;-  swallacegromit@aol.com

Please include all the following info with your entry

BMFA insurance number,

Freq 2.4 or 35 meg + channel.

Important ;- Please state which venues you will travel too, ie  Whitesheet, Butser hill, Eastbourne, All  I need this information in order to make the decision as to whether we have sufficient numbers attending any given venue. 


  Stu, Whitesheet Comp Sec. 


The Southern Winter league 2019 / 20.

(note; entry details to rd 1 in previous / above post )

Frustratingly due to my continued  poor health, & imminent Neuro & Spinal Surgery, it is very unlikely that I am going to be able to attend any Winter league competitions, or in fact do any flying at all for many months. 

I will however be doing all the admin, taking entries,  posting any comp info on BARCS , Facebook & Whitesheet RFC Website. Doing so will help keep me involved.

The 'on the day' organising & the CD'ing of these comps ;-  is in the very safe hands of Graeme Mahoney, Nigel Whitchalls, John Philips and Pete Burgess. Between them they will be sharing this role. The Southern Winter league is therefore  is in very safe hands. 

A huge sincerest personal thanks therefore from myself to Graeme, Nigel, JP, & Pete , thanks Guys 👍



  Whitesheet Comp Sec. 




Southern Winter lg rd 1 Sund Oct 27th

Entry list .



Stu, Whitesheet Comp Sec. 

On 22/10/2019 at 09:20, Gromit said:



Southern Winter lg rd 1 Sund Oct 27th

Entry list .



Stu, Whitesheet Comp Sec. 

Emailed Stuart my entry, as the list need a few more. 

Keep doing the weather dances lads



Looks like 8 to 15mph N/NE at Whitesheet.

Pure North at Eastbourne with a similar windspeed.

A little too light for my flying ability.

Sorry I will not be there. I hope you get a comp.




  • Like 1


Confirmed  Entry list.

Only 2 pilots have said they will travel to Eastbourne 

Likewise 2 pilots for Butser hill. 


Hopefully the various forecasts will swing around from the present N to a more NW direction, Whitesheet will then be the venue & we can get the league underway.

A true Northerly at Whitesheet  being very crossed lumpy & dumpy, & not suitable for an F3f comp.

Weather & Venue call this evening at around 8.00pm, 




  • Like 1

One more for Butser 

5 hours ago, Gromit said:


Confirmed  Entry list.

Only 2 pilots have said they will travel to Eastbourne 

Likewise 2 pilots for Butser hill. 


Hopefully the various forecasts will swing around from the present N to a more NW direction, Whitesheet will then be the venue & we can get the league underway.

A true Northerly at Whitesheet  being very crossed lumpy & dumpy, & not suitable for an F3f comp.

Weather & Venue call this evening at around 8.00pm, 




One more for butser, and a maybe for Eastbourne.

  • Like 1


Southern Wint lg rd 1 sund 27th Oct.


Hi All,

                       Unfortunately a true Northerly continues to be forecast for most / All of Sunday,  this direction is very crossed  & unsuitable for staging an F3f event at Whitesheet. 

Sadly with only 3 competitors saying they would travel to Eastbourne, this competition is therefore cancelled .



  Stu,  Whitesheet Comp Sec. 




  • Like 2

Hopefully the weather gods are on your side next month. 


Good call Stu.

Lovely day but the wind is so light.




  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all, next Sunday 24th Nov is the next date for the Southern Winter League. 

The first of Stuart's awaited spine surgery operations has now been booked for this Wednesday, so he has contacted several volunteers to bring the equipment, make a slope and weather call, and run the day.  Stu - we wish you well.

Please can you register your interest by PM to me or on this thread, including which locations you can attend (White Sheet or Eastbourne).  Weather call will be on Friday.



  • Thanks 1

I’ll go anywhere, Nigel. John Treble 82099 Pitbull 2 Pitbull.


Hi Nigel

Yes enter me with my Shinto and Jedi both on 2.4 White Sheet preferably 


Ian Falconer 


Pete Burgess

BMFA 053003

All venues

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