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  1. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your OCTOBER scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  2. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your SEPTEMBER scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  3. Martin O

    Silent Flight Nationals - FxRES

    MONDAY, 29 AUGUST 2022 BMFA Buckminster Sewstern Grantham Lincolnshire NG33 5RW 10:45 pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 competition window 15:00 fly-off if necessary/prize ceremony The entry fee is £15, paid in advance. The last date to enter is 23rd August. Payment can be made here https://www.barcs.co.uk/store/category/7-bmfa-sf-nationals/ FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simple format with a 4-hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights (6 min max), best 6 flights count, no landing bonus. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly both classes if they wish. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the SF rule book, BMFA membership is a must. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, bungees are provided, please do not use your own? More about FxRES can be found at www.fxres.co.uk See less
  4. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your scores below...
  5. Martin O

    FxRES Buckminster 23/24 July

    EDIT: - Only running on Saturday, Sunday is too windy This is a two-day event, competitions will run on both Saturday and Sunday Location: BMFA Buckminster Sewstern Grantham Lincolnshire NG33 5RW Format of the day: 10:45 pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 competition window 15:00 fly off if necessary/prize ceremony Entry fee is £15, (£10 to Buckminster and £5 for a prize fund) FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simplified format with a 4-hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights (6 min max), best 6 flights count, no landing bonus. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly both classes if they wish. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the SF rule book, BMFA membership is a must. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, bungees are provided, please do not use your own? It would help if competitors can express their interest by posting on this thread Please bookmark this post for updates?
  6. Pete in Northiam


    Having seen several F3-RES gliders hit wing flutter on the bungee and watched as tailplane flutter led to the sad demise of an F5-RES under power on Saturday, I thought it was about time I got past my own limited understanding and read more about the causes and cures. I found the link below a useful summary of the physics of causes and fixes. If you want to skip the maths, look at the pictures then jump to page 9 for a summary of the problem and possible fixes. I've posted this to the Facebook group too as I know not everyone is on BARCS. https://www.kimerius.com/app/download/5784128815/Aerodynamic+Flutter.pdf
  7. Martin O

    FxRES-SF Nationals

    10:45 Pilots briefing 11:00 Competition start 15::00 Fly off if necessary and prizes Entry is £15, payment details here Entries close 23rd August 2022 FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simple format with a 4 hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights (6 min max), best 6 flights count, no landing bonus. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly both classes if they wish. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the SF rule book , BMFA membership is a must. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, bungees are provided, please do not use your own? More details on the FxRES website https://fxres.co.uk/
  8. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your scores below...
  9. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your scores below...
  10. Confirmation that the Comp is running on Saturday 14th at 11:00 This is a day dedicated to 2m gliders. FxRES & F5J (2metre) will be flown as a joint event on the 14th or the 15th May, depending upon weather and pilot availability. we will choose the final day of the event on the run up to the weekend. EDIT: All classes, F3L, F5RES and 'Open' (Full house f5j style 2 metre models) will be flown together to FxRES rules. Only F3L and F5RES can qualify for the national league but should be an interesting day with some top level f5j pilots competing. Competitors can enter as many classes as they wish. Location: The field is by Wetlands Lakes near Retford Nottinghamshire. Farm Post Code is DN22 8SB Turn right between an old farm house and a barn. Up and over a small steep hill, flying will be on one of the fields on the right. 53.359669,-0.948755 https://maps.app.goo.gl/hv7h8kNj3e17Jo4w6 10:45 pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 competition window 15:00 fly off if necessary/prize ceremony Entry fee £10 (Split between field cost and prize fund) FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simplified format with a 4 hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights (6 min max), best 6 flights count, no landing bonus. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly both classes if they wish. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the SF rule book, BMFA membership is a must. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, bungees are provided, please do not use your own? With effect from 1st January 2022, BMFA General Rules have changed to require competition models to display of either the owner’s BMFA number or their FAI registration number in UK competitions. Please visit fxres.co.uk for more details. It would help if competitors can express their interest by posting on this thread Please bookmark this post for updates?
  11. Martin O

    FxRES Cruckton, Saturday 7th May

    Running on Saturday 7th May. Avoids a clash with f5j on the 8th The format of the day is: 9:30 field opens 10:45 pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 competition window 15:00 fly off if necessary/prize ceremony Entry fee is £15, (£10 to the landlord and £5 to the prize fund) Location: Farm Post Code is SY5 8PS The field is diagonally opposite on the other side of the road and has a double steel gate. map ref 52.689417, -2.857333 FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simple format with a 4 hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights (6 min max), best 6 flights count, no landing bonus. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly both classes if they wish. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the SF rule book , BMFA membership is a must. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, bungees are provided, please do not use your own? With effect from 1st January 2022, BMFA General Rules have changed to require competition models to display of either the owner’s BMFA number or their FAI registration number in UK competitions. The reason is to prove ownership of the model. All entrants in any event must be the owner of the model and must display the owner’s number. All models other than Scale or Indoor Free Flight must be clearly marked with the owner’s membership number on the upper surface of the wing in letters at least 19 mm high (Note - The FAI requirement is that the alpha/numeric characters are at least 25 mm high) More about FxRES can be found here fxres.co.uk It would help if competitors can express their interest by posting on this thread Weather might play a part so please bookmark this post for updates?
  12. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your scores below...
  13. FxRES competitions will be run on both the bank holiday Friday and Saturday The format of the day is: 10:45 pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 competition window 15:00 fly off if necessary/prize ceremony Entry fee is £15, (£10 to Buckminster and £5 for a prize fund) Location: BMFA Buckminster Sewstern Grantham Lincolnshire, NG33 5RW More details on directions HERE FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simple format with a 4 hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights (6 min max), best 6 flights count, no landing bonus. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly both classes if they wish. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the SF rule book , BMFA membership is a must. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, bungees are provided, please do not use your own? With effect from 1st January 2022, BMFA General Rules have changed to require competition models to display of either the owner’s BMFA number or their FAI registration number in UK competitions. The reason is to prove ownership of the model. All entrants in any event must be the owner of the model and must display the owner’s number. All models other than Scale or Indoor Free Flight must be clearly marked with the owner’s membership number on the upper surface of the wing in letters at least 19 mm high (Note - The FAI requirement is that the alpha/numeric characters are at least 25 mm high) More about FxRES can be found here fxres.co.uk Please post here your interest in participation, stating your name and the class you will fly (F3L / F5RES) and which days you will attend (ie. Fri, Sat or both)? Weather might play a part so bookmark this post for updates. Competitor list to gauge numbers, not definitive. Rob Craddock F5RES Bob Goodenough F5RES/F3L Lawrence Drennan F3L Martin Oldershaw F3L Gordon B F3L/F5RES
  14. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider 20 seconds after the hand launch. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your scores below...
  15. This is a placeholder for the January 2022 2m F3L/F5-RES Duration Challenge. Please submit your scores below: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a for fun challenge for UK based pilots, anyone may enter with EITHER 1. a bungee-launched glider up to 2 metres wingspan and the standard Hi-Start can post a time. The standard Hi-Start bungee is a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched glider up to 2 metre wingspan fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your 2 metre wingspan glider for as long as possible from a flat field. The challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The challenge will end on the 31st December 2022. Rules: Flight times begin when the line releases from the tow-hook or in the case of an electric motor powered glider, 20 seconds after the hand launch. The model must land in the launch field for times to count. While the object is to encourage F3L/F5-RES types, any model up to 2 metre span may be flown (F3L/F5-RES, foam, R/E mouldie) but please state the type of model when you submit your time. Note that ailerons or other camber changing devices fitted are no longer permitted, even if disabled. Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No Flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into a league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. The top 7 scoring flights to count. In the event of a tie, the 8th scoring flight will be taken into consideration and so on. Fly safely! No slope soaring
  16. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider 20 seconds after the hand launch. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your scores below...
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