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  1. This is a 'BARTLETTS LEAGUE’ qualifier to be held on the SADMAC flying field (Sittingbourne & District Model Aircraft Club Kent see map below) The usual 3 classes of model can be flown, Open, 2Mtr and 100” (up to 2.6mtr allowed), and each can score points in their own Bartletts league. Please note that models must comply with BARCS class restrictions if you wish to also score in the appropriate BARCS Leagues. 2 entries allowed per pilot, but each entry must be with different class models. AMRT (Height limiter) CAN be set to any height up to 300mtrs, but MUST be set with a maximum motor run time of 30sec. Scoring as per F5J, i.e. a penalty of 3 points per metre but for launching over 175 metres BARCS rules allow one re-launch in a Group, and for an emergency re start if necessary. N.B. a re-launch will be counted as a scoring flight. Motor re-start will result in a zero score for that Group. Entry £5.00 payable on the day. Please register your entry in this thread, I'll be the CD using GliderScore. Any cancellation will be advised by Saturday 2pm at the latest on this post. ENTRANTS all Open 2.4 unless otherwise stated Nick Jackson Eddy Small Ian Nicholls Mike Connell Bob Ryan Garry Matthews Alan Twine Keith Fisher Richard Harris John Postle Alan Harris 100" Pete Mitchell Mike Hodgkiss Brian Martin 100" David Yale Brian Austin Terry Letchford Bob Hope John Moyler Steve Knowles
  2. This is a 'BARTLETTS LEAGUE’ qualifier to be held on the EQFA's new 'Bartletts Farm' field . The usual 3 classes of model can be flown, Open, 2Mtr and 100” (up to 2.6mtr allowed), and each can score points in their own Bartletts league. Please note that models must comply with BARCS class restrictions if you wish to also score in the appropriate BARCS Leagues. 2 entries allowed per pilot, but each entry must be with different class models. AMRT (Height limiter) CAN be set to any height up to 300mtrs, but MUST be set with a maximum motor run time of 30sec. Scoring as per F5J, i.e. a penalty of 3 points per metre but for launching over 175 metres BARCS rules allow one re- launch in a slot, and for an emergency re start if necessary. N.B. a re-launch will be counted as a scoring flight. Motor re-start will result in a zero score for that slot. Entry £5.00 payable on the day. Please register your entry in this thread, all will be assumed to on 2.4 unless advised. I'm the guest CD! Brian Austin Open Nick Jackson Open Alan Twine Open Bob Ryan Open Derek Collings Open Ray Gadenne Open Garry Matthews Open Pete Mitchell Open Ian Nicholls Open Eddy Small Open Randy Taylor Open Tony Merritt 2m Steve Knowles Open
  3. Great news! The flying field has had the grass cut so we CAN drive onto it, however, although it WILL be up the normal track we won't know until 0820 which one so the signs won't be up until then. Nearest post code ME17 3AU look for Glider sign call 07760750298 if lost This event is the first (due to the one that was to be held on 28th April being cancelled) ‘BARTLETTS LEAGUE’ qualifier of the year. It will be run at one of the Invicta Model Flyers Club's Sutton Valence fields. The usual 3 classes of model can be flown, Open, 2Mtr and 100” (up to 2.6mtr allowed), and each can score points in their own Bartletts league. Please note that models must comply with BARCS class restrictions if you wish to also score in the appropriate BARCS Leagues. 2 entries allowed per pilot, but each entry must be with different class models. AMRT (Height limiter) CAN be set to any height up to 300mtrs, but MUST be set with a maximum motor run time of 30sec. Scoring as per F5J, i.e. a penalty of 3 points per metre for launching over 200mtrs, This height may be reviewed due to safety concerns, but notice will be issued in good time if any change is to be made BARCS rules allow one re- launch in a slot, and for an emergency re start if necessary. N.B. A re- launch will be counted as a scoring flight. Motor re-start will result in a zero score for that slot. Entry £5.00 payable on the day. Please register your entry in this thread, all will be assumed to on 2.4 unless advised Location Invicta Sutton Valence Nearest Post Code ME17 3AU, The field at Sutton Valence will be signposted on the day on the A274 running south from Sutton Valence. We will not know which field (Forsham Lane or Heniker Lane) we can use until the day, so please look for the signs with a “Glider” on them. For those who use "what3words" the usual location of entrance is ///riverbank.spooked.buyers Entrants Ian Nicholls Open 2.4 Mike Connell Open 2.4 Nick Jackson Open 2.4 Eddy Small Open 2.4 Mike Hodgkiss Open 2.4 Rob Love Open 2.4 Richard Harris Open 2.4 Keith Fisher Open 2.4 Keith Benton open 2.4 Alan Harris 100" 2.4 Terry Letchford open 2.4 Brian Martin 100" 2.4 David Phillips open 2.4 John Postle open 2.4 Bob Hope Open 2.4 Phil Ramsey Open 2.4 Alan Twine open 2.4 Derek Collings open 2.4 Garry Matthews open 2.4 Graham Wicks Open 2.4 John Wicks Open 2.4 Pete Mitchell Open 2.4 Colin Paddon Open 2.4 TBC
  4. ENTRY CLOSED WITH 20 FLYERS Hot off the press Gentlemen, Our hosts NKN have a large gas BBQ and a 2 ring gas cooker with kettle for making a brew if any one wants to use themselves and bring there own they are welcome, or if enough interest they could take orders in the morning and pop along the local Asda and get what flyers want and then cook it for them! Please let me know of your interest in this? ALSO the adjacent Gun Club serves food including full English breakfast and has toilet facilities. Drive slowly to avoid POTHOLES on Joyce Green Lane The event is a ‘Bartletts League’ qualifier and will be run at North Kent Nomads (NKN) field (nearest post code DA1 5PN) as detailed on the attached location map. The usual 3 classes of model can be flown, Open, 2Mtr and 100” (up to 2.6mtr allowed), and each can score points in their own Bartletts league. Please note that models must comply with BARCS class restrictions if you wish to also score in the appropriate BARCS Leagues. 2 entries allowed per pilot, but each entry must be with different class models. AMRT (Height limiter) CAN be set to any height up to 300mtrs, but MUST be set with a maximum motor run time of 30sec. Scoring as per F5J, i.e. a penalty of 3 points per metre for launching over 200mtrs, BUT no bonus for launching below 200mtrs. And don’t forget, not only can you re start your motor in an emergency (which cancels that flight score) but you get one re launch in a slot if you find it necessary Entry £5.00 payable on the day. CD is Ian Nicholls (07760750298) and hosted by NKM Secretary Peter Bennett Please book in from 0900, pilots briefing will be at 0945 and start at 1000 to allow 6 rounds to be flown Please register your entry in this thread by 1800 on Friday 18th, all will be assumed to be on 2.4 unless advised Nick Jackson Eddy Small Tony Wood Ian Nicholls Michael Connell Keith Fisher Bob Hope David Yale Alan Twine Derek Collings Keith Benton John Postle Brian Martin Alan Harris Brian Austin John Hovell Peter Ley Garry Matthews Ray Gadenne Pete Mitchell
  5. In case others haven't seen Pete M's post below there will be a pre-season event at Little Bentley to prepare ourselves for the 2018 league onslaught :-) If enough pilots register we'll run slots and rounds otherwise we'll do the IRCMC all-up-last-down timed flight, landing target is near yourself, and no timer/helper. Register your interest and watch this space for a go, no-go on Saturday 24th March. If Sunday 25th March isn't good for flying will we roll forward to Sunday 1st April (go, no-go 31st March). If 1st April isn't good we'll roll forward to Easter Monday 2nd April (go, no-go on 1st April). If the 2nd is no good either we'll roll on to 8th April (go, no-go on 7th). The following Sunday (15th April) is the first F5J comp., a new thread will be started for that. Tony Tony Merritt - 2m Garry Matthews - Open Cliff Stone - Open Ray Gadenne - Open Paul Wainwright - 2m/Open Pete Mitchell - Open Randy Taylor - Open Richard Clouting - 2m David Jowers - 2m Simon Conran - 2m/Open John Hovell - Open Peter Ley - Open
  6. EssexBOF

    Bartletts League 9th Sept 2012

    What a day of contrasts! Arriving at the field, there was a thick mist over the site so as to see where the control would be for anybody turning up meant I had to stay at the entrance to pass it on to the next arrival, then they could inform the next person and so on. By 10am start, this had cleared to reveal a perfect day with a slight breeze from the South, which then followed the forecast by increasing to approx 15 mph by 2.30pm. This was to lead to some scores suffering as a result and a struggle for some models to get back when venturing to far downwind. Rod Potts was to fare worse in this by losing his Electra V, which has not been found as of the present time. Peter Mitchell was again to suffer a malfunction on his Explorer, when the bell crank pivot failed, causing the model to dive into the ground whilst on launch. A new face to Bartletts Comp was Colin Boorman, although Colin is a regular on the F3j circuit. He was doing well until old habits die hard, by dorking his Shadow in for the landing, dislodged the motor plate. Jill Adams was also a new face, although she had flown in the Tonbridge event at the beginning of August. Think she will get better with the right model. Paul Wainwright has invested some money in an ex Ray Elwell Sprite, so expect we will see him going for the 2 metre class now. My unfashionable Watts Up 2 metre, can still keep up there with them all in the right conditions. I elected not to fly in the last round as I could not bother changing the wings over to the windy set, as the wind was quite strong by then. I did say that we may try to run the last event on the 23rd September, as the reserve date in October does not leave us any options if for any reason that date is ruled out due to weather. We will see from the end of this week what the forecast is for the 23rd. Ordered Results, least score dropped 1000 4996.6 K. Fisher (Open) Shadow 999 4993.7 A. Twine (Open) Stork4 984 4919.3 B. Austin (Open) Electra 981 4906.4 G. Mathews (Open) Shadow 970 4851.2 B. Austin (2mtr) Watts Up 958 4768.4 P. Wainwright (Open) Bitsa’s 947 4731.2 P. Wainwright (2mtr) Bitsa & Sprite 912 4558.6 R. Gadenne (Open) Shadow 890 4447.0 D. Godbold (Open) Bitsa 856 4275.3 R. Mexome (Open) Cadenza 827 4131.5 J. Ott (100S) Organic 788 3935.1 D. Collings (Open) Stork 4 750 3748.6 J. Burns (Open) Stork X Tail 732 3655.3 G. Read (Open) Ava & Mistral 722 3605.5 R. Potts (Open) Stork4 & Electra 702 3509.2 T. Merritt (2mtr) ? 675 3370.6 R. Sleight (100S) Pelican Pike 614 3067.3 P. Mitchell (Open) Explorer 602 3007.6 P. Cavender (100S) ? 601 3005.0 J. Burns (2mtr) Magic 568 2839.3 R. Taylor (2mtr) Easy Glider 559 2794.0 J. Adams (2mtr) ? 533 2661.5 C. Boorman (Open) Shadow 532 2659.6 M. Cordwell (100S) ? 479 2392.4 P. Mitchell (2mtr) Omega 354 1770.2 M. Connell (100S) ?
  7. Bernie Jones

    Electric Powered Glider Fun Fly Weekend!

    ASHURST West Sussex – ELECTRIC POWERED GLIDER FUN FLY WEEKEND – Saturday 24th and/or Sunday 25th March 2012 Please forward to anyone you know who you think may be interested. To kick start what we hope will be another successful e-Soaring year at Ashurst, we are going have a simple but fun FUN FLY WEEKEND WITH ESOARING, F5J TEACH-IN MINI COMPS AND BMFA ELECTRIC SILENT FLIGHT ACHIEVEMENT TESTS The event is open to spectators and anyone flying ANY electric HAND LAUNCH powered glider up to 4m wingspan. BMFA insurance is required, but no other qualifications are required provide you can demonstrate safe flying practice. Much of the day will be taken up with normal “off the peg” sport flying, but we will also be running several very simple FUN events during the weekend. There will be no obligation whatsoever to take part in any of these “mini comps”. However, if you are not flying, you MAY get called in to help with some timekeeping, counting and measuring! Apart from having fun, one of our aims for the day is to attract new interest in e-Soaring and show just how easy it is to get involved. To this end, there will be plenty of “experts” around to help with models, give advice and answer any questions or queries about electric gliders. Fancy having a go but don’t have a e-Glider, we will have a buddy box system which you can have a go on if you want The new Electric events this year is FAI BMFA F5J eSoaring with a twist come and see what it’s all about learn with us. If you have ever wondered what thermal soaring is all about, this will be the weekend to find out. If you are already an experienced e-Soaring competitor, then please come along and help to spread the word – and have some fun at the same time. (A couple of the mini comps will be especially designed for you and will be tough!) For anyone interested, loan altimeter switches will be available on the day and help offered to anyone who wants to try their hand at height limited flying, without the perceived “pressure” of competition. We will also be having a look at the BMFA Silent flight Electric Achievement program, demos discussions and tests will be available to those who are interested So what sort of fun “mini comps” are we running? Sorry, but you’ll have to come along and see for yourself! There will be prizes (mostly tins of something cool and wet) awarded at the end of the day for all sorts of things – not just for doing well in a “mini comp” ! There is no pre-entry, just turn up and enter on the day! Something to sell? You are welcome to bring anything along you want to sell. Nothing formal – it will be just like a car boot sale for Electric Glider Flyers. If you would like to come along, it would be useful for us to know, so that we can cater for expected numbers. Simply e-mail me bernie AT esoarer.co.uk with your name, and if flying, your preferred frequency (if on 35 preferred plus an option if possible). If you need any more information, email me as above and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. If you intend flying during the day, there will be a charge of £7.00 per day if you can only make one day, or £10 which covers the whole weekend, but it costs nothing to come along as a spectator. Official start time each day will be 10.00 am, but you can book in and collect your registration form at anytime after 8.30am – Flying till to dark or to cold – DON’T forget your BMFA membership card or insurance document. Location map is at: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps then go to 50.921798,-0.322187 Nearest Post Code is BN44 3AL- this takes you to the cross roads of Horsham Road and Spithandle Lane. Immediately opposite Spithandle Lane to the east is the track to Upper Northover Farm. Drive down this track and look out for the signs direction you to the flying field in use on the day. If you have ANY questions or need any further information please ask. E-mail: bernie AT esoarer.co.uk or Mobile: 07740 181861 Bernie Jones – CD – All Ashurst BMFA e-Soaring League Events 2011. Here we go again 2012 here we come, lets hope the weather stays with us Bernie Jones
  8. Austin

    Radioglide 2011 ELG and 100s Report

    The appalling weather experienced over the late spring bank holiday weekend caused the cancellation of the Radioglide events scheduled for the Sunday and Monday. Some flying was possible on Saturday but because of the increasingly strong winds through the day many people opted not to fly. 100s started early in the morning before the wind became too strong and it was possible to complete 6 rounds and a fly off by 2pm. Terry Pelling topped a fine performance by winning all but one of the rounds and both rounds of the fly off. Outstanding! After lunch, with increasing wind, many more pilots opted not to fly and the event was reduced to just one slot per round. In spite of the wind some slots were being flown out for the full 10 minutes and four rounds were completed before it was finally decided to call a halt. The rules specify that a score is dropped after 3 rounds have been completed so Peter Allen won in spite of not being able to fly in the last round because of a damaged model. 100s Fly Off Results table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #4297C9; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } RankNameScorePcntRnd1 DurRnd2 Dur1Pelling, Terry2000100100010002Dickinson, Bob1287.464.37554.8732.63Warby, Neville1071.453.57408.6662.84Chambers, Glyn669.433.47669.40100s Preliminary Rounds table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #4297C9; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } RankNameScorePcntRnd1 DurRnd2 DurRnd3 DurRnd4 DurRnd5 DurRnd6 Dur1Pelling, Terry5821.710010001000100010001000821.72Chambers, Glyn5374.492.32847.21000754.710001000772.53Warby, Neville5313.491.2710006901000998.1625.310004Dickenson, Bob4656.479.98895.7953.3483.5694.4922.3707.25Sleight, Robin450477.37842.2830.6636.8481.6712.810006Goddard, Ken4284.473.59557.3680.1741.9944.9632.7727.57James, Graham407069.91570766.7363.2974.3494.9900.98Binnie, Gary387066.48583.3465.1697.3698.3774.8651.29Nicoll, Ken3412.458.62436.1366.7682.4849.3509.4568.510Philcox, Cengiz1676.828.8983.3693.50000ELG Overall Results table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #4297C9; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } RankNameScorePcntRaw ScoreRnd1 DurRnd2 DurRnd3 DurRnd4 DurDrop1 DurPenlty1Allen, Peter2993.61002993.6993.6100010000002Sleight, Robin2652.588.613396.31000853.4743.8799.1743.803Mitchell, Peter2571.185.893164.4593.3960.7723.6886.8593.304Hanham, Cliff2546.185.053208661.9968.6750.6826.9661.905Wharrie, Martyn251283.912945.8433.8774.9737.11000433.806Pelling, Terry2361.678.892843.3909.1481.7730.3722.2481.7071, Spare2358.278.772978.4878.8725.1620.2754.3620.208Lucas, Colin1982.966.242312575.8780.1627329.1329.1092, Spare0000000009Foss, Chris0000000009Gadenne, Ray0000000009James, Graham0000000009Jones, Bernie000000000
  9. Austin

    Radioglide 2011

    The appalling weather experienced over the late spring bank holiday weekend caused the cancellation of the Radioglide events scheduled for the Sunday and Monday. Some flying was possible on Saturday but because of the increasingly strong winds through the day many people opted not to fly. 100s started early in the morning before the wind became too strong and it was possible to complete 6 rounds and a fly off by 2pm. Terry Pelling topped a fine performance by winning all but one of the rounds and both rounds of the fly off. Outstanding! After lunch, with increasing wind, many more pilots opted not to fly and the event was reduced to just one slot per round. In spite of the wind some slots were being flown out for the full 10 minutes and four rounds were completed before it was finally decided to call a halt. The rules specify that a score is dropped after 3 rounds have been completed so Peter Allen won in spite of not being able to fly in the last round because of a damaged model. 100s Fly Off Results table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #4297C9; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } Rank Name Score Pcnt Rnd1 Dur Rnd2 Dur 1 Pelling, Terry 2000 100 1000 1000 2 Dickinson, Bob 1287.4 64.37 554.8 732.6 3 Warby, Neville 1071.4 53.57 408.6 662.8 4 Chambers, Glyn 669.4 33.47 669.4 0 100s Preliminary Rounds table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #4297C9; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } Rank Name Score Pcnt Rnd1 Dur Rnd2 Dur Rnd3 Dur Rnd4 Dur Rnd5 Dur Rnd6 Dur 1 Pelling, Terry 5821.7 100 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 821.7 2 Chambers, Glyn 5374.4 92.32 847.2 1000 754.7 1000 1000 772.5 3 Warby, Neville 5313.4 91.27 1000 690 1000 998.1 625.3 1000 4 Dickenson, Bob 4656.4 79.98 895.7 953.3 483.5 694.4 922.3 707.2 5 Sleight, Robin 4504 77.37 842.2 830.6 636.8 481.6 712.8 1000 6 Goddard, Ken 4284.4 73.59 557.3 680.1 741.9 944.9 632.7 727.5 7 James, Graham 4070 69.91 570 766.7 363.2 974.3 494.9 900.9 8 Binnie, Gary 3870 66.48 583.3 465.1 697.3 698.3 774.8 651.2 9 Nicoll, Ken 3412.4 58.62 436.1 366.7 682.4 849.3 509.4 568.5 10 Philcox, Cengiz 1676.8 28.8 983.3 693.5 0 0 0 0 ELG Overall Results table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #4297C9; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } Rank Name Score Pcnt Raw Score Rnd1 Dur Rnd2 Dur Rnd3 Dur Rnd4 Dur Drop1 Dur Penlty 1 Allen, Peter 2993.6 100 2993.6 993.6 1000 1000 0 0 0 2 Sleight, Robin 2652.5 88.61 3396.3 1000 853.4 743.8 799.1 743.8 0 3 Mitchell, Peter 2571.1 85.89 3164.4 593.3 960.7 723.6 886.8 593.3 0 4 Hanham, Cliff 2546.1 85.05 3208 661.9 968.6 750.6 826.9 661.9 0 5 Wharrie, Martyn 2512 83.91 2945.8 433.8 774.9 737.1 1000 433.8 0 6 Pelling, Terry 2361.6 78.89 2843.3 909.1 481.7 730.3 722.2 481.7 0 7 1, Spare 2358.2 78.77 2978.4 878.8 725.1 620.2 754.3 620.2 0 8 Lucas, Colin 1982.9 66.24 2312 575.8 780.1 627 329.1 329.1 0 9 2, Spare 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Foss, Chris 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Gadenne, Ray 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 James, Graham 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Jones, Bernie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  10. EssexBOF

    Bartletts League 15th May 2011

    Well, we seem to be stuck in this spell of weather that delivers high winds & sunshine, with the former being decidedly unseasonal for May. But having to abort the one scheduled for the 1st May due to windy conditions that proved to be correct, Sunday was not the greatest either, especially with the wind being in the West, delivering the dreaded Bartletts curl over, on the landing approach. Dave Fletcher ducked out on the Saturday, then Peter Hindle, Peter Mitchell 2 metre & George Read, elected not to fly on the day due to the conditions. Peter Hindle filled me with dread on arrival with the quote that the wind was going to increase to 30MPH in the afternoon. But this proved not to be the case, so we ot under way with 16 flyer's. This was cut to 13 after the first round due to various problems from motors falling out through to damage on landing. I myself decided that discretion was better than valour, so never really went for the landing spot if it got tricky. There were some slots where the lift was tremendous, more than I can remember from this wind direction at any time I have flown there. Peter Hindle had to work overtime with the scoring system as slots were adjusted from what he had arranged before the event. As he said he could not have flown & done this as well, so another big thank you to him on the day. So we finished early at about 3.30 pm, with the final scores ready about 3 minutes later. Finally thanks to all for your continued support for these events, lets have a few more next time on 19th June. Brian Austin. Bartletts 15th May 2011 Result Sheet. table.tableizer-table { border: 1px solid #CCC; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .tableizer-table td { padding: 4px; margin: 3px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tableizer-table th { background-color: #104E8B; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; } Pos Name Score % 1 B Austin 4940 1000 2 K Fisher 4939 999 3 A Twine 4831 978 4 S Smith 4694 950 5 J Burns 4551 921 6 D Collins 4514 914 7 P Wainwright 4487 908 8 R Potts 4334 877 9 B Austin 4057 821 10 J Ott (100s) 4048 819 11 R Ewell 3633 735 12 S Lensen (Foamy) 3527 713 13 R Sleight (2m) 3363 681 14 P Mitchell 977 198 15 G Mathews 907 183 16 P Sainsbury 713 144 17 P Hindle DNF 0 18 P Mitchell (2m) DNF 0 19 G Read DNF 0
  11. EssexBOF

    Bartletts League 3rd April 2011

    The forecast in the week was pretty vague but checked out several sites & the Sunday looked as though it would be OK. This indeed was the case, with conditions that would be hard to better in the summer. Bartletts itself may have been a problem as the entrance to the field has been extremely boggy with some members having to be pulled out, and not so long ago at that. We had 21 entries of which 3 did not show for whatever reason, but Randy Taylor turned up and took one of the spares, so we had 19 fly on the day. Trouble is that not having children, my notion of when Mothers Day is, does not enter into the equation when planning events The only change to the rules for this year was to bring them into line with BARCS rules in regards to the landing. Now if you overfly the 10 minutes you lose any landing points you may have obtained, but retain your flight score up to the 10 minutes. The conditions in the morning were absolutely idillic with little wind and warm sunshine, so much so that the early morning dew soon dissipated. There was only one major disaster when Peter Mitchell's AVA plunged into the ground from a great height due to a dry joint on one of the connectors to the battery Seven rounds were flown with 3 slots per round which made it pretty hectic if you were flying twice with two entry's. Peter Hindle has now refined the scoring system and the slot timing, having said that we had a glitch on the slot timer for the first slot as he still had the lap top on mute sound! I know I have said this before, but I could not run this event now without Peter's help, he is invaluable to the whole thing. But we have got him to take part yesterday, which he enjoyed. Results are shown below, if anybody wishes to have the full set of results e mail me & I will send them on to you. Pictures to follow when we have some that Peter took, but I believe Jason is going to post some. 5760.8 B. Austin (Open) 5695.3 P. Sainsbury (Open) 5684.6 A. Twine (Open) 5551.7 R. Potts (Open) 5479.1 P. MItchell (2mtr) 5390.6 D. Collings (Open) 5238.1 J. Burns (Open) 5074.8 B. Austin (2mtr) 5027.3 P. MItchell (Open) 4985.9 R. Mexome (Open) 4822.5 R. Sleight (2mtr) 4764.9 D. Godbold (2mtr) 4731.2 R. Gadenne (Open) 4521.4 J. Ott (100S) 3951.9 P. Hindle (Open) 3422.9 R. Taylor (Foam) 3137.4 R. Gadenne (Foam) 1269.6 M. Cordwell (Open) 996.9 R. Sleight (Open) 0.0 S. Smith (Open) 0.0 R Elwell (Open)
  12. Austin

    Radioglide 2011 Information

    BARCS Radioglide 28th-30th May at Marsh Gibbon, nr Bicester. This years event will have BARCS ELG and 100s on 28th followed by F3J on the 29th. The 30th May will have multilaunch from 10am. Camping is available on the field from Friday evening. Last official day for entries 15th May!
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