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  1. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Separate entries (best flight in each) will be recorded for those who fly both F3L and F5L. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3L or F5L) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  2. Richard Newsham

    FxRES 2025 Calendar

    Notes - a) The calendar is subject to change and will be documented here. I will add new dates as they are organised. CD's will be organised in due course. The Buckminster competition type may change to accommodate competitions to FAI rules. b) 'Date' stated as 'x/y Month' format is either/or (mainly for best weather call). 4, 23rd Jan 2025 - Field booked waiting confirmation - 7th/8th June - Wetlands near Retford added to the calendar. 3, 21st Jan 2025 - Sat 17th May 2025 - Fish Meadow, Upton upon Severn added to the calendar. Note:- Perhaps make it a 2 day event and enter the F5J competition on the Sunday. 2, 16th Dec 2024 - Four dates at Cruckton, Shrewsbury added to the calendar. 1, 5th Dec 2024 - Initial Calendar (work in progress) - So there is no confusion, unlike previous years, the Aylesbury competition is loan of field only. CD's to be arranged. Richard Newsham
  3. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Separate entries (best flight in each) will be recorded for those who fly both F3L and F5L. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3L or F5L) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  4. martynk

    FXRES Monthly Challenge in 2025

    Hi all I am happy to run the postal challenge again next year (if that's OK with you all). This post is to open discussions or proposals for any rule changes for next year. To kick off the discussion, can I suggest that: We increase the motor run length to 30 seconds with a 90m altitude cut off. Submitted flight times to have motor run time deducted as per current rules. We increase the bungee line length to 100m plus 15m of 7/5mm latex (or similar material) bungee. Broadly FAI rules except without the bungee stretch test. I have suggested FAI rather than FXRES to compensate for the F3L disadvantage of launching in a restricted airspace. My thoughts are: We need to promote flying to FAI/FXRES rules to encourage more competitors. This will bring the postal comp more in line with what we should be flying. The majority (by a huge margin) fly F5L and this change will have little impact on flying space. The downsides are: F3L pilots will need to acquire new or extend existing bungee assemblies. More space required to fly F3L. This may be a killer for some pilots, ( It will certainly affect my ability to fly F3L unless the wind is literally straight down the field- any cross wind is out due to the proximity of trees). As F3L pilots will be most affected and I don't wish to disenfranchise anyone, please speak up if you think this suggestion is a personal show stopper. Originally, the postal rules were introduced to encourage flying from smaller sites and 9 years ago (I think) when we started, F5L was only a twinkle in some European eyes. It was all F3RES and we didn't actually have a UK contest scene. The world has moved on and I think we need to move with it. You may have other/better ideas, please don't be afraid to share your thoughts.
  5. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Separate entries (best flight in each) will be recorded for those who fly both F3L and F5L. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3L or F5L) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  6. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Separate entries (best flight in each) will be recorded for those who fly both F3L and F5L. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3L or F5L) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  7. This competition has been cancelled for both days, Saturday 20th July and Sunday 21st July. The next contest in the 2024 FxRES National League will be two separate one-day events at the BMFA National Centre at Buckminster over the weekend Saturday 20th July 2024 and Sunday 21th July 2024. I, Richard Newsham, will be CD on the day. The contest is open to anyone with a model meeting the BMFA FxRES rules (links below). If you've not flown FxRES before, you will be very welcome as an entrant, a spectator or a helper. Scores will be entered in the 2024 FxRES National League but entry is not a commitment to the league. Please reply to this thread if you would be interested in entering on the assumption the weather will be good. Please (1,) state which class or classes you would fly and (2,) the date(s) you will fly on the weekend. Actual entry will be on the day but this will give a guide to the level of interest. Please follow this post for updates as the event approaches. I will make a go/no-go call on the weather on Thursday 18th July around 6pm. If you have a question, please ask! Details below. Date: Saturday 20th July 2024 and Sunday 21st July 2024 Location: BMFA Buckminister, Sewstern, GRANTHAM, NG33 5RW Format of the day: 08:00 Site open 10:45 Pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 Competition working time 15:00 Fly offs followed by prize ceremony Entry fee: £15 (£10 site fee plus £5 to the prize fund for each class entered - Buckminster season-ticket holders do not pay the site fee). The CD will distribute score cards in exchange for entry fees. FxRES is a competition class for 2m-span thermal soaring models constructed mainly from wood. Contests are a variant of the provisional FAI classes F3L (bungee launch) and F5L (electric launch) to a simplified and relaxed format. Bungee and electric launch gliders compete side by side but with separate score sheets. A competitor can fly F3L or F5L or both at FxRES contests. The full FxRES rules in the 2024 BMFA Silent Flight Rule Book (links below). The contest comprises a four-hour working time during which competitors fly up to ten timed flights. The best six count for the league and the winners on the day will be decided by additional fly-offs. F5L height limiters must be set to 100m/30seconds. F3L bungees will be provided. Please read the BMFA Buckminster Site Flying Rules BMFA membership is mandatory for entry. BMFA General Competition Rules say "All models ... must be clearly marked with the owner’s BMFA Membership number on the upper surface of the wing in letters at least 19mm high." Handwritten is fine - a felt-tipped pen will be available on the day. This is particularly important when flying or being photographed at Buckminster. 2024 BMFA Silent Flight Rules discussion with links to the BMFA and FAI rule books. From this link to the Blog page ‘’Silent Flight rules 2024’, see sections 7.2 (General) and 7.24 (FxRES) in the ‘BMFA’ download file. There are some informative posts on the "F3-RES and F5-RES - UK" Facebook group regarding where to find information. Posts 14th Feb 2024, 1st March 2024 and 17th March 2024. Important - Please monitor this post for updates as the event approaches. This is the media outlet for information regarding this event.
  8. **High winds and rain forecast - please see my reply below for details** The next contest in the 2024 FxRES National League will be a one-day event at the BMFA National Centre at Buckminster on Saturday 6 July 2024. I will be CD on the day. The contest is open to anyone with a model meeting the BMFA FxRES rules (links below). If you've not flown FxRES before, you will be very welcome as an entrant, a spectator or a helper. Scores will be entered in the 2024 FxRES National League but entry is not a commitment to the league. Please reply to this thread if you would be interested in entering on the assumption the weather will be good. Please also say which class or classes you would fly. Actual entry will be on the day but this will give a guide to the level of interest. Please follow this post for updates as the event approaches. I will make a go/no-go call on the weather on Thursday 4 July (Polling Day!). If you have a question, please ask! Details below. Date: Saturday 6 July 2024 Location: BMFA Buckminister, Sewstern, GRANTHAM, NG33 5RW Format of the day: 08:00 Site open 10:45 Pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 Competition working time 15:00 Fly offs followed by prize ceremony Entry fee: £15 (£10 site fee plus £5 to the prize fund for each class entered - Buckminster season-ticket holders do not pay the site fee). The CD will distribute score cards in exchange for entry fees. FxRES is a competition class for 2m-span thermal soaring models constructed mainly from wood. Contests are a variant of the provisional FAI classes F3L (bungee launch) and F5L (electric launch) to a simplified and relaxed format. Bungee and electric launch gliders compete side by side but with separate score sheets. A competitor can fly F3L or F5L or both at FxRES contests. The full FxRES rules in the 2024 BMFA Silent Flight Rule Book (links below). The contest comprises a four-hour working time during which competitors fly up to ten timed flights. The best six count for the league and the winners on the day will be decided by additional fly-offs. F5L height limiters must be set to 100m/30seconds. F3L bungees will be provided. Please read the BMFA Buckminster Site Flying Rules BMFA membership is mandatory for entry. BMFA General Competition Rules say "All models ... must be clearly marked with the owner’s BMFA Membership number on the upper surface of the wing in letters at least 19mm high." Handwritten is fine - a felt-tipped pen will be available on the day. This is particularly important when flying or being photographed at Buckminster. 2024 BMFA Silent Flight Rules discussion with links to the BMFA and FAI rule books 2024 BMFA Silent Flight Rule Book - See sections 7.2 (General) and 7.24 (FxRES) 2024 BMFA General Competition Rules Book This announcement will be posted on the BARCS forum and the Facebook F3-RES and F5-RES UK group.
  9. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Separate entries (best flight in each) will be recorded for those who fly both F3L and F5L. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3L or F5L) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks Note: A separate mini league will be maintained for the F3L scores in addition to the combined F3L/F5L league.
  10. Call for interest in a Comp Monday 6th May (Bank holiday) 7 signed up so far Please post here if you’re interested in a day’s flying at Little Bentley Polo ground in Essex this coming bank holiday Monday.. Only F5L this time because of the 11th hour organisation! Rules would be as per last year, i.e. 10 flights in 4 hours, best 6 to count for score. There’s been so little decent weather, it would be a shame not to take advantage of this opportunity. Forecast looks promising and the site is good. If there’s 6 or more interested in competing, then it would be viable.
  11. This event has been called off. Please see my post in the forum. This is a one day event at BMFA Buckminster on Friday 29th March 2024. Richard Newsham will be CD on the day. Scores for each competition will be entered in the 2024 FxRES National League. Location: BMFA Buckminster Sewstern Grantham Lincolnshire NG33 5RW Format of each day: 10:45 pilots briefing 11:00 to 15:00 competition window 15:00 fly off(s), followed by prize ceremony Entry fee is £15, (£10 to Buckminster and £5 for a prize fund) FxRES is a 2m soaring class with models constructed mainly from wood. Competitions are a variant of the FAI F3L provisional class, that has a simplified format with a 4-hour window where competitors can fly up to 10 timed flights; best 6 flights count. This allows F3L and F5RES to compete alongside each other but have different score sheets. A competitor can fly F3L or F5RES or both. Full set of rules is 7.24 in the BARCS Silent Flight rule book 2024 and also refer to section 7.2 (general rules). BMFA membership mandatory. F5RES height limiters set to 100m/30seconds, F3L bungees are provided. Please look through the BMFA Buckminster flying rules on the BMFA Buckminster website under the Flying tab. There are some informative posts on the "F3-RES and F5-RES - UK" Facebook group regarding where to find information. Posts 14th Feb 2024, 1st March 2024 and 17th March 2024. It would help if competitors can express their interest by posting on this thread. Please follow / bookmark this post for updates. Important - Please monitor this post for updates as the event approaches. This is the media outlet for information regarding this event.
  12. Happy New Year! FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Separate entries (best flight in each) will be recorded for those who fly both F3L and F5L. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3L or F5L) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks Note: A separate mini league will be maintained for the F3L scores in addition to the combined F3L/F5L league.
  13. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5L glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  14. martynk

    FxRES postal in 2024

    Its that time of the year again. I am happy to run the postal again next year. (If you'll have me..) However, are there any changes to the rules that you would like to see? My contribution is that I think running a separate F3L league in additional to the COMBINED F3L/F5L league may encourage more bungee flyers to take part. There area few F3L pilots but their scores just seem to get lost in the mainly F5L (silent) noise.. I would welcome your views on this and any other thoughts you may have.. Best wishes
  15. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  16. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  17. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L or F5L as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook for F3L or in the case of a F5L glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -25 points, 2nd - 22points, 3rd - 20 points, 4th to 22nd, 19 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  18. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L (F5-RES) specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5L (F5-RES) as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  19. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5L (F5-RES) specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5L (F5-RES) as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  20. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5L (F5-RES) as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  21. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your best/latest monthly scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  22. Hi all Lawrence and myself have been evaluating how the first ever FxRES season has gone, we have since had several discussions, batted some ideas around, and even been out to a field to look at layouts and how we can improve things for the future. The first thing we want to say is that we are extremely grateful to BARCS and the BMFA for their help, and also to everyone else that has supported and competed along the way. There's lots of stuff that we think has gone well, the competitions attracted newcomers to soaring as well as top level pilots, the 4-hour window format seemed popular, we had some impressive and exciting fly-offs, FxRES had slots in Radioglide and the SF Nationals, we saw a variety of kit models, vintage ones and home brew jobs, f3l and f5res flying alongside each other seemed to work, and we had fun doing it. But as was inevitable for a first year, we, like some others that we have spoken to, saw some issues that have to be addressed. Without doubt the biggest one has been keeping the designated landing area safe, and application of the 30m out landing rule. There has also been some comments that a dedicated timer gives an unfair advantage to a competitor that wants to fly both classes (f3l/f5RES), we take the view that everyone has the same opportunity to bring a friend, but the jury is out on that one! We have some thoughts, but before firming up any new rules, we would like to put our ideas in public and ask for constructive feedback, especially from those that have competed. Please bear in mind that we don't think we should change too much too fast, and we would like to keep to the original objective. ' Objective: (a) To provide an inexpensive class of radio-controlled model glider soaring with straightforward rules which emphasise pilot skills, to be promoted for wide scale adoption and enjoyment in the UK model flying community. (b) FX-RES competitions are intended for F3L and F5RES pilots to jointly compete alongside each other.' The safe landing area idea: (We have taken inspiration from a set up we saw used in a f3l competition in Turkey.) To stop models flying through or on the flight line we propose that we create a landing box that starts behind a 5m line that is downwind from the flight line. To emulate f3l rules, the landing area would then be designated by the CD on the day. In practice, we would probably set up another line, 30m downwind from the 5m line and close the sides to make a box that would correspond with the length of the flight line. We could mark the area out with football training cones and use a measuring wheel to set up (Which could also be used in a dispute!) We would also layout spots with 15m tapes (emulates f3l rules). Their use would predominately be for a fly-off, or full f3l comps, but could also help to designate the landing area. We are also trying to get hold of a PA system that would have auto announcements so that competitions would self-run, allowing a CD more time to keep tabs on everything, but that depends on funding. Finally, we were very conscious of the time that it took to do the scores at the end and we made some mistakes, so we are looking at how we can improve on that. We look forward to any feedback.
  23. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your OCTOBER scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
  24. And the worthy Winners are jointly: DAVID-CIRRUSRC and GRAHAM LORIMER Congratulations to you both. You can share this virtual trophy alternate months through 2023. Please return it in good order. Many thanks to all those who took part and made it such a fun and worthwhile event. January to June Results are listed in a post below.
  25. FxRES Monthly Postal Rules This is a “for fun” challenge for UK based pilots. Anyone may enter with: 1. a bungee-launched F3L (F3-RES) specification glider using the reduced length Hi-Start. The reduced length Hi-Start bungee has a maximum of 10m of 6/4mm surgical tubing and 50m of static line (minimum 30lb breaking strain). Lighter/smaller/shorter bungee rubber may be used. OR 2. an Electric motor launched F5-RES specification glider fitted with an Altitude Limiter set to 60m and a maximum motor run time of 20 seconds. Object: Fly your F3L or F5-RES glider for as long as possible from a flat field. Each monthly challenge will commence on the 1st day of the Calendar month and the person who's time is unbeaten at the end of the Calendar Month 'wins' and a new challenge will start. The annual challenge league will end on the 31st December of each year. A new annual challenge league will then commence on the 1st of January. Rules: Models must comply with the Model Specification rules for F3L (F3-RES) or F5-RES as appropriate. You may self-time your own flights Flight times begin when the tow-line falls from the tow-hook (for F3L/F3-RES) or in the case of a F5-RES glider when the motor stops. The model must land in the launch field or (if there is no field boundary) within 150m of the launch position for times to count. There is no landing bonus. If you are using a bungee launch (for this event or any other), then the launch line MUST be secured using a corkscrew dog tether or similar bungee stake to minimise the risk of injury caused by a loose stake. Scores must be submitted on the relevant monthly postal event posting on the FxRES forum at www.barcs.co.uk/forums/ Scoring flights must be submitted within 24 hours of the flight taking place. A flight log graph from the Altitude limiter should also be submitted if entering with a F5-RES glider. All scoring flights must start with a hand release from Ground Level with (if applicable), the motor running. No flight information telemetry permitted except for Received signal strength and Receiver battery status. Submitted scores will be amalgamated into an annual league. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st -15 points, 2nd - 12points, 3rd - 10points, 4th to 12th, 9 to 1 point respectively. You may enter as many times as you wish using as many different models as you wish, but only your longest duration flight will count towards the league position. Please enter your OCTOBER scores below in the following format... ON THE FIRST LINE OF YOUR POST Model Name : Class (F3 or F5) : Date of flight : Time Claimed Any text or commentary or images please add afterwards. Thanks
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