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  • 4 months later...

Meet tomorrow in the main car park at Horcum at 9am



A very wild day on Levisham. Wind generally around 10/m, but sometimes as low as 3m/s and as high as 13m/s.

More Levisham fun tomorrow. Meet at 9am.

Results after 7 rounds:

1 Manuel Rath 5638.71
2 Mike Evans 5618.47
3 Stefan Bertschi 5434.98
4 Dieter Perlick 5431.8
5 Andreas Aigner 5418.5
6 Peter Kowalski 5391.24
7 Eric Heine 5364.08
8 Mark Treble 5309.76
9 Rich Bago 5270.88
10 Armin Hortzitz 5255.64
11 Nic Wright 5224.94
12 John Philips 5187.1
13 Stefan Bernardy 5181.67
14 Marcus Meissner 5173.6
15 Arjen Van vark 5165.29
16 Peter Gunning 5091.42
17 Siegfried Schedel 5063.48
18 Ewan Maxwell 5045.57
19 Frits Donker Duyvis 5041.52
20 Willim Fourie 5005.59
21 Les Wood 5000.36
22 Jon Edison 4990.25
23 Josef Wiklicky 4951.82
24 Rick Ruijsink 4944.83
25 Torsten Herman 4932.87
26 Mike Shellim 4833.09
27 Andy Burgoyne 4741.4
28 Dave Watson 4599.93
29 Bruce Hudson 4590.53
30 Dave Demott 4487.07
31 Maria Freeman 4457.29
32 Robert Carson 4422.78
33 Steve Macken 3930.19
34 John Treble 3668.22

Fastest time: 33.96 by Mike Evans in round 5

  • Like 8

Hi Mark. There seems to be some confusion: are we meeting in main car park Horcum tomorrow at 0900 or straight to Levisham for day 2?🤔



Another 4 rounds in the bag today on the South Bowl.

Some very variable conditions, particularly in the last round where the wnd was starting to swing off to the west.

Results after 11 rounds:

1 Mike Evans 9247.74
2 Dieter Perlick 9198.62
3 Manuel Rath 9107.18
4 Peter Kowalski 9078.55
5 Armin Hortzitz 9037.78
6 Andreas Aigner 8754.9
7 John Philips 8748.29
8 Eric Heine 8732.96
9 Rich Baygo 8719.65
10 Stefan Bertschi 8713.55
11 Mark Treble 8646.76
12 Peter Gunning 8620.62
13 Marcus Meissner 8611.41
14 Arjen Van vark 8528.61
15 Ewan Maxwell 8444.24
16 Stefan Bernardy 8437.93
17 Josef Wiklicky 8437.77
18 Nic Wright 8435.98
19 Frits Donker Duyvis 8364.82
20 Les Wood 8347.07
21 Andy Burgoyne 8333.96
22 Torsten Herman 8304.48
23 Siegfried Schedel 8299.04
24 Willim Fourie 8263.25
25 Bruce Hudson 8045.0
26 Rick Ruijsink 8043.85
27 Mike Shellim 7897.03
28 Jon Edison 7847.18
29 Dave Watson 7681.28
30 Dave Demott 7607.94
31 Maria Freeman 7570.42
32 Robert Carson 7440.17
33 Steve Macken 6796.19
34 John Treble 3668.22

Fastest time: 33.96 by Mike Evans in round 5

  • Like 5

What time are we meeting tomorrow?


9:00 Saltergate Car Park.


Final day on the NW slope. If you though Levisham was 'orrible....
Very variable day, but the final scores on the doors are below.

1 Armin Hortzitz 11754.91
2 Peter Kowalski 11602.49
3 Dieter Perlick 11504.2
4 Manuel Rath 11464.19
5 Mike Evans 11431.6
6 John Philips 11313.88
7 Peter Gunning 11169.51
8 Eric Heine 11095.32
9 Marcus Meissner 11092.55
10 Stefan Bertschi 11064.12
11 Rich Baygo 11033.65
12 Andreas Aigner 10968.04
13 Mark Treble 10967.63
14 Frits Donker Duyvis 10904.43
15 Josef Wiklicky 10839.33
16 Nic Wright 10821.69
17 Willim Fourie 10816.62
18 Stefan Bernardy 10786.09
19 Arjen Van vark 10734.1
20 Torsten Herman 10630.12
21 Siegfried Schedel 10524.45
22 Ewan Maxwell 10412.69
23 Rick Ruijsink 10245.86
24 Mike Shellim 10220.3
25 Bruce Hudson 10139.99
26 Jon Edison 9846.81
27 Dave Demott 9826.06
28 Maria Freeman 9698.7
29 Dave Watson 9578.14
30 Robert Carson 9440.72
31 Les Wood 8962.11
32 Steve Macken 8804.37
33 Andy Burgoyne 8333.96
34 John Treble 3668.22

Fastest time: 33.96 by Mike Evans in round 5

More to follow when I've recovered

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Big thanks to Mark and John for organizing this comp.

Only did the two days but really enjoyed it.

Great to catch up with everyone again especially are Dutch friends and John  Trebble.

Looks like today's slope with the conditions really hurt a few pilots.



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Stefan Bertschi

What a nice weekend I had (some frustration included 😀)

Thanks Mark and John for organizing. Btw. made it to the airport in time.

Cheers and see you all soon


  • Like 7

Great week, nice to get a comp in with 3 days flying and a great entry. Very enjoyable.

Lovely to meet up with our European friends again, very pleased you all made the trip and made this comp such a success.

Congratulations to the Armin, Peter and Dieter. 

Cheers Mark and John for organising, Liz and I are having a great holiday in this beautiful area. F3f brings so much to our lives.

  • Like 5

Yep, a great weekend wth friends.

Levisham hates me and the feeling is now mutual! But Thursday afternoon was nice with practising 5 minute slots, you got some good air and it was bloody quick at times.

Some more good training in the 'mental' side of F3F, trying to stay positive and ready when things aren't going your way. I finally got 'my' air in round 13, which was lucky.

Thanks to Mark & Jon for organising; 3 days of flying on 3 different slopes was interesting and 'varied'. Thanks also to our European friends for travelling, you really make the event 👍.


  • Like 4

Thank you Mark and Jon for organising a great competition.  These big events are always enjoyable and it's enlightening watching how our European cousins fly our slopes and manage to extract every last ounce of lift in some challenging conditions.

Can't wait for the next one!


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Maria Freeman

Yup….. Thanks Mark and Jon. 

Had a crazy 3 days , but loved every minute of it ! Nice to see some of the old faces and to meet some new ones 👍

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Great weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who came and helped. 

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I echo every ones comments about it being a great weekend. I enjoyed the banter. The flying was hard.
The changing wind direction was the killer, I went from "yeehaaa" to "blady hell" in the course of adjacent flights.
But the weather could have been a lot worse, at least we flew every day.

Congrats to the winners, Armin, Peter and Dieter, and a terrific FTD from Mike E with a 33.96!

Special mention to Mark T for all his organisation prior to the weekend, and his hard work setting up the course; often requiring more that one trip between car park and the slope. Not forgetting of course his IT skills when the course computer died. Well done mate.

The computer, now in intensive care, was finally persauded to give up its secrets, and the results file is attached below.

NoE Open 2024 No Macros.xls

  • Like 4

Hi All

great weekend great slopes and excellent air both good and bad, a reel roller coaster three day. Well done all, great too Armin take the win 😀

big thanks to Mark and Jon, all that helped set the course and got the buzzing sorted with no fuss 


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